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Our Classified Ad sections and categories will guide you to effective educational programs and successful fundraising programs for better ways to raise money for your child’s school.
Fundraising Resources
Our resourceful online information will guide you to a variety of data you can use towards your next school fund-raising ideas and educational events. The fundraising and educational program ideas will provide you with current information to help you raise funds while keeping your kids safe, smart and healthy.
The next fund-raising idea you find here just may supply your son’s football team with uniforms and your daughter’s band class with sheet music. School fundraising ideas aren’t hard to come by when you stay informed about what works in schools across the country.
Reach Your Goals
Accomplish your goals to fund and improve your learning environment.
$ Build funds for a new Classroom or Gym
$ Solar for energy efficiency
$ Educational Supplies
$ Improve Disabilities,
Health & PE
$ Enhance academics, ART/MUSIC
$ Fund AT-RISK Projects
$ Protect Students with
School Safety
Fund-raising ensures educational programs that enrich children’s lives!