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History Inspiration
by Louise LaBianca- 5/2021 INSPIRE PRIDE and Knowledge While CREATING and LEARNING Learning history can be fun and inspiring in today’s classroom environment, while at the same time a unique way for children to gain self-esteem and pride in their cultural roots. To instill a sense of pride in the young student, a variety of family-centered approaches with hands-on experience
How to Get Enough Sleep
Sleep Stats and Tips by Alisha Radick -2/2016- Statistics show that teenagers are suppose to get about 9 to 10 hours of sleep per night.
Ed Begely Talks Solar
Ed Bagley, Jr. Talks Solar and Green to Schools by F&EG Staff -6/2011- Living with Ed”… can be a real ‘green treat’ if you are ready to take in a new energy efficient life style with well-known actor, Ed Begley, Jr. and his family. Just ask Rachel Carson Begley, Ed’s actress wife and co-host of the hit reality show,
Be Aware of Child Trafficking
CHILD Slavery in Our Country by F&EG Staff and Faces of Slavery -6/2011- While we aim to protect and nurture our precious children, THERE IS a growing epidemic of child trafficking, slavery, and sexual exploitation of innocent children in our own country. Like a tsunami, it has wiped out the lives and well being of too many children

Power of Positive Fundraising
Uplifting ideas for Programs, Products and Skills by F&EG Staff -10/2011- “There is…a light shinning at the end, and perhaps all the way through, the tunnel of fundraising…. ‘We will attain our funding goal.’ Now repeat this ‘fundraising mantra’ a few times and perhaps the power of positive thinking will make your fundraising dreams come true…even in spite
GREEN Tips Big and Small
Helping the Environment and Your Funds by Cathy Sims of Ecological Systems -9/2011- America’s primary and secondary schools now spend $6 billion on energy to power their buildings, down from $8 billion three years ago. The $6 billion price is still more than what schools spent on textbooks and computers combined, in 2010, according to the US Department of
Putting Pizzaz in Education by F&EG Staff
Putting Pizzaz in Education by F&EG Staff -6/2011- Currently budget cuts are an on-going threat to the survival of music and art programs in our schools. In fact many teachers and educators, including San Diego, California Superintendent Bill Cova, believe that “It will have an substantial impact on attendance and academic performance with students in K-12 schools all across
Gloria Estefan
“The Rythm is gonna get you….” by F&EG Staff -9/2010- Her Life, Charities and Children’s Books by Fund & Edutain Guide Staff including excerpts and interviews from, Tune Core, Washington Post, Business Wire, The rhythm is gonna get you…not only with her soulful, soothing voice and down-to-earth lyrics, but with Gloria Estefan’s many humanitarian agendas. Among