Educate Effectively with Exciting Programs by F&EG Staff -5/2010-
Throughout the nation many K-12 teachers and schools alike, have finally embraced the idea of ‘edutainment’ in the classroom. Tedious homework and class projects are seemingly disguised by the look of an ‘exciting project’ when in fact there is a lesson plan embedded within.
It wasn’t too long ago that educators rejected the whole notion of having to entertain students while they are being taught. But teachers and educators soon learned that educating with some fun and excitement helps students not only learn but retain what they learn for a much longer period of time.
If we implement edutainment expeditiously there is hope on the rise for our children’s failing education and NAESP’s ‘reshaping’ plan.
Edutainment activist Melvia Miller says, “Edutainment is necessary to uphold effective education and the educational welfare of children in our schools. If sensory activities are implemented while teaching, children can focus better and retain information longer.”
The use of various sensory aids causes positive emotions which translates to more effective learning. Teachers nationwide have been utilizing a number of sensory aids including: Group exercises, Games, Role Playing, Art, Music, Drama, Media, Visual Aids, Audio Aids and any other creative ideas that throw a little excitement into the lesson.
The Reshaping Plan
In light of a failing education system (Time Magazine reported one million U.S.A. Students dropout every year) the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) proposed a new plan to redirect and reshape teaching methods in k-12 schools.
The goal of NAESP ‘s proposal (Proposal name: Vision 2021-Leading, Learning Communities: What principals should know and be able to do) is ‘to make our children whole for the future.’ It frames a preferred future for schools and leadership that requires principals and teachers to re-learn effective teaching methods that enhance application rather than theory.
Though NAESP’s Vision 2021 is still in it’s beginning stages,“Many principals are disseminating the plan now,” says Karen Tucker, Associate Editor for NAESP. “A lot of principals have already began our training programs to re-learn effective teaching methods
Action Sport Makes a Difference
Imagine hundreds of excited school children eager to witness a live performance by professional extreme sports athletes. From huge 360’s to Superman’s to amazing spinning tricks, all set to high-energy tasteful music and comedy routines, the show is an amazing display of athletic achievement.
Then imagine the impact as their new sports hero delivers positive motivational messages that emphasizes no room for drugs or violence. This performance is witnessed by hundreds of live school audiences from coast to coast each year.
Wheels of Freestyle’s teams include athletes and performers that have performed for 10+ years. They have an impressive resume of experience with shows and contests and perform hundreds of times throughout the Midwest and along the easternseaboard each year.
President/Founder, David Holden, started the company 1996 with a simple and clear mission: fully utilize the impact of professional athletics to impact kids in a powerful and positive way.“We had a unique opportunity to be a kid’s hero for the day and wanted to take full positive advantage to inspire young people, said Holden. He added, “By demonstrating our sport live, the kids learn that we live by the principles we talk about. Things like hard work, determination and a ‘never quit attitude’ are all necessary ingredients to success in any pursuit.”
Learn more about Wheels of Freestyle, Inc. including their current tour schedule and downloadable information on their site at You can also call them at 1-888-818 8388.
Magical Edutainment and Fundraising
When you mix magical edutainment with fundraising…what do you get? Not just a deck of cards or a rabbit in a hat but Magical Fundraisers with Philip & Henry Productions.
For the last 20 years these professional magic performers have been making children and adults laugh while providing an entourage of magic programs including magic shows, magic classes and disk jockeys all over North America.
With Philip & Henry magic courses students get excited about learning while building their confidence and developing creativity.
Let Phillip & Henry do all the work when you book a fundraising magic show. There is no cost for anything and you earn a percentage of the revenue that you bring in from the show.
Don’t do a disappearing act….. Contact Phillip & Henry today and book your show. Phone: 800-863-5738
Vist us : www,
Magician teaches Fire Safety
Schools can teach Fire Safety and Burn Prevention with an award-winning assembly program that uses magic. Al Belmont, a former teacher, now turned magician, provides an interactive magic program that’s taught thousands of K-6 students how to prevent fires and what to do if fire breaks out.
With every trick, there is a message. “Magic tricks can be used to get across all sorts of things,” says Belmont. Properly selected tricks can meld magic with a message about bullying, drug abuse or the fire safety that pupils won’t forget.
Spectacular Magic Shows and Carnival Rides!
Wizards Festival of Fun presents the award-winning Belmont Magic & Illusion Show for great Family Entertainment and fund-raising opportunities. With state of the art illusions, live animals, spectacular costumes and audience participation, this show is fast-moving entertainment for a broad audience.
Wizards also offers a large selection of top-rated, first quality Carnival Rides, Fun Foods, Games and Strolling Entertainers. Services include uniformed ride attendants, detailing of all rides, power generators and insurance. For more info, call 856-228-1281 or visit
Spelling Fun
Quick: When do you use a semicolon, or a comma, or a period in a sentence?Is a comma placed inside or outside a closing quotation mark? What about the question mark: inside or outside a quotation mark?
Don’t know? Join the legions of students of all ages – and adults – who don’t know the basics of punctuation. That’s why Jeff Rubin and his wife, Norma Martinez-Rubin, made it their business to bridge this gap in Americans’ literacy.
Jeff founded National Punctuation Day in 2004. In 2006, he and Norma began faciltating Punctuation Playtime in elementary schools in California. It’s a live, interactive, standards-based program that teaches the basics of punctuation in a FUN and engaging way.
Norma and Jeff now travel throughout the United States with the program, and also offer a teacher-training DVD that shows educators how to replicate the program in the classrooms and assemblies. Visit them at:
Learn Art History with Art
The First grade class, at Park Dale Elementary School, Encinitas, CA, teaches it’s students about art history and the world’s most famous artists through hands-on art projects. This one is probably a no-brainer but to reiterate, it is a fun and exciting way for students to learn about fine art and it’s masters of all time. Now that’s edutainment at it’s finest! For more edutainment visit: