Uplifting ideas for Programs, Products and Skills by F&EG Staff -10/2011-
“There is…a light shinning at the end, and perhaps all the way through, the tunnel of fundraising…. ‘We will attain our funding goal.’ Now repeat this ‘fundraising mantra’ a few times and perhaps the power of positive thinking will make your fundraising dreams come true…even in spite of all the catastrophic budget cuts and what educators are calling the worst financial crisis in decades.
As we weather the storm, for perhaps the next two years, the need for fundraising will be at an all time high. The usual $2 billion that schools raise each year will need to increase substantially in order to maintain school programs and teacher counts.
Across the nation school districts are cutting school programs, courses and entire elementary schools to balance out their yearly budgets. In fact many schools have discontinued music programs, art programs sports activities and other needed curriculums.
One school in Norwich, Connecticut cut out their middle school sports, foreign language classes and an instrumental music program. And to make matters worse some of their after-school bus routes will also close.
In San Diego, California many schools are suffering in a big way with teacher budget cuts of approximately $114,000,000. Recently, at the San Diego offices of assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, a group of concerned citizens, teachers and students gathered at an educational funding discussion to protest against Fletcher. The demonstrators presented a large mock-up gold brick representing their dispute against budget cuts and Fletcher’s opposition to a special election on tax extensions. City College student Jose Rodriguez said Fletcher’s opposition to the special election on tax extensions are “undemocratic.”
Also in attendance, San Diego State college professor Larissa Dorman said budget cuts are already fostering “deprofessionalization” among professors who increasingly have been offered only part-time jobs “with lower compensation and less stability than full-time positions.”
And the beat goes on with continual budget cuts and educational unrest throughout many schools in the nation. As we wind our way around the negative impact of these hard economic times it is even more important to stay positive and focused for the benefit of our schools and education of our precious students.
Implementing the ‘power of positive’ will move your fundraising agenda off square one and transform it to a more successful and enjoyable experience. Learn how to create your own ‘positive fundraising’ check-list while selecting from a wide array of great programs that will pump you and your dollars up.
To get you in a ‘yin’ mood, take a look at our many fantastic program ideas along with some motivating tips and helpful information.
Choose from green programs, delicious gourmet and healthy programs, custom and personalized products, aromatic coffee and flowers, online shopping, digital publishing, sports memorabilia and much more.
Tunnel With a View
Amidst the overwhelming list of tasks and responsibilities of organizing, researching and implementing your fundraising plans, it is extremely important to have a clear view of your agenda and goals. To see your way through the tunnel of tasks and put those plans into gear, it is equally important to keep a balance of the ‘yin and yang’ of it all.
You’ll need a lot more ‘yin’ to balance out the overabundance of ‘yang.’ Keeping a positive fundraising attitude can only trigger positive benefits while enabling you and your group to earn more in a more.
Clearing the clutter, avoiding procrastination, and organizing your mind, project and workspace, will put things into perspective while giving you a sense of balance and well being or ‘zen’ if you will. Being creative and pro-active will ultimately allow you to take control of your project and actually see it through from beginning to end.
Believing in your goals, massaging your skills and incorporating fun, easy, profitable fundraising programs is a must in being successful with your funding endeavors from here on out.
The ‘Positive Criteria for Programs List’
Take a fresh look at your current fundraising programs and run them through your own ‘Positive Criteria for Programs List.’ To start…make a list of criteria or types of programs that are #1 priorities for your group. This list will be your fundraising program guideline so it is important to come up with attainable ones being careful not set your sights too high.
Determine which positive aspects, incentives or requirements your group would like to include in your ‘Positive Criteria for Programs List.’ You can refer to this list whenever you are reviewing a new program or product. It will help to insure positivity in your organization and assist you in defining goals while steering your fundraising plans in the right direction.
Perhaps an item that you would choose for your ‘Positive Criteria for Programs List’ includes the ‘KISS’ requirement. (Keep It Simple Stupid). Simplified online products and forms make it nice and easy to earn profits while requiring less paper work and time and as we all know…’Time is Money.’
Another list item could be ‘Include More Value Added Programs and Products. These fundraisers are packaged with edutainment, cash or product bonuses. They can also include nutrition, environmental advantages or other added benefits that enhance the product while earning funds for your organization, booster club or non-profit. It is up to you and your group to determine just how proactive you want to get and what positive means to you.
Perhaps you want to instill more school spirit and comradery in your group. You can do that while earning funds simply by selecting a custom and personalized products program that offers school mascots, logos, community or humanitarian themes.
Another idea for your list could be ‘Help the Environment.’ You can choose to incorporate green programs like solar and recycling ones that collect ink jet cartridges and cell phones or other types of energy efficient programs.
A Sensible Approach
When it comes to choosing products that your group wants to sell, it always makes ‘good sense’ to choose something that the customer can use for work and/or pleasure.
A great example of a practical item combined with a little ‘fun with the senses’ are Smencils, Smens and Bookscents by Here Comes Money, Inc. Smells include Peppermint, Bubble Gum, Cinnamon, Tropical Blast, Grape, Cotton Candy, Black Cherry, Watermelon, Orange, Very Berry, Root Beer and a lot more.
These gourmet scented pencils, pens and bookmarks make reading and writing fun while your organization makes 60% profit. You can purchase a variety of scented items in bulk or in smaller pack sizes and Here Comes Money offers free delivery and 30 day terms.
You can contact them at 1-800-253-8637 or visit www.herecomesmoney.com.
Extra Value with a Personal Touch
Memories are definitely one of the most valuable and pleasureable pursuits in our lives. Programs that add that ‘personal touch’ will not only put a smile on your supporters’ faces but also leave them with an extra special item they can enjoy for years to come.
Why not add some ‘sparkle’ and a personalized imprint to an ornament, stocking or table topper. With their huge selection of gifts and personalized fundraisers, Bronner’s Ornaments will imprint a personal name, message, school mascot or booster club logo on one of their beautiful keepsake items.
Founded in 1945 by Wally Bronner, their Frankenmuth, Michigan store is known as ‘The World’s Largest Christmas Store’ visited by millions all year long. You can visit them at www.bronners.com.
Whistle While You Work
Getting into the spirit of your task or just having a little fun during work can brighten up any tedious project.
In fact adding a little school spirit to your fundraiser will give you that extra spark of energy you might need. You’ll keep ‘your’ spirits up and promote school spirt at the same time. Many fundraisers will place your school logo, emblems, photos or names on items such as clothing, bags, pins, pens and pencils, ornaments, magnets and more.
Since 1953 Spirit-Wear.com has been doing just that. They offer cost effective custom printed sportswear and ‘the hottest items’ including rhinestone decorated bling-wear, eco-friendly totes, tie dye hoodies, car magnets and beach towels. They also offer 24 hour free rush service.
The Pin Man specializes in the design and manufacturing of lapel pins, coins, patches and the accompanying cards that carry motivational themes to stimulate teachers, staff, students, parents and volunteers. They distribute a variety of more than 10,000 products that can be imprinted, embroidered or engraved with names, logos or themes. Giving recognition is one of the most powerful means of rewarding efforts, saying thanks, building loyalty, providing community support and motivating student and staff performance.
Recognize your school and community team with quality products, great service low prices from The Pin Man. For a free catalog contact 1-800-282-0085 or visit them at www.positivepins.com
Green is GOOD
Perhaps a positive move for your group is including more energy efficient and green fundraising programs. Getting involved in a good ‘green cause,’ like helping the environment or promoting humanitarian endeavors, can actually lift your spirits while raising funds and giving back to the earth.
Adding ‘green’ fundraising programs can be extremely cost effective for parents and supporters as many of these programs do not require a purchase of any kind.
Recycling programs allow you to save landfills while earning cash for used ink-jet cartridges, cell phones, computers and other electronics. There is nothing to buy, just saving items and sending them to the recycling company in a box with pre-paid postage that the program provides to you.
On a larger scale many schools are now bringing in bigger dollars with solar fundraising programs. You earn profits when solar panels are purchased through your school or non-profit organization and sold to your school/non-profits, family homes or businesses. For solar project information contact Cathy Sims at Ecological Systems, 732 681-5296.
If you don’t want to go that big you may opt to simply include on your list ‘Utilize Fundraisers that Require the Use of Less Paper and Electricity.’ Or simply that you will utilize more programs that require less man/woman hours and less strenuous work therefore being efficient by saving you time and energy.
Wake up and Smell the Flowers
While running in circles with projects it is sometimes hard to ‘stop and smell the roses.’ But it is important to do that once in a while to give yourself a needed break and regain a little bit of balance. So why not do both with a flower fundraiser that provides your school or non-profit organization with a wonderful way to raise lots of funds.
Established in 1960, Dutch Mill Bulbs offers an environmentally friendly fundraiser with packaged flower bulbs and rooted plants that are guaranteed to bloom. You’ll love the ‘scents’ and dollars with this low cost no-risk program that earns your group at least 50% profit. Choose from a wide array of bulbs that bloom into lovely beauties with various varieties of Daffodils, Dainty Dutch Iris, Heavenly Blue Bells, Hyacinths, Narcissus, Purple Drumsticks, Tiger Lilies, Tulips, Queen of the Night and lots more. Contact Dutchmill Bulbs at 800 533-8824 or visit their website www.dutchmillbulbs.com.
Spice up Your Decor
Offering your supporters something that gives them a warm and cozy feeling will also put that cold cash in your hot hands. ‘Home is where the heart is’ and fundraisers that include useful home decor and comfort items are sure to please the crowd.
Longaberger offers specialty home decor and seasonal decor including baskets, pottery, embroidered pillows and throws, candles, wrought iron and comfort foods. Their online ‘Design A Basket’ Program allows you to design your own basket by choosing from selected accent weave colors, tack covers, basket tags and even personalization with your team or school logo. You can also customize their WoodCrafts lids with your school, business or organization logos.
Giving back is a special part of Longaberger as they have been making a positive impact in the world through several of their charities. Among them are Horizon of Hope® (Supports Breast Cancer), Military Cares Program (Support of Military Men and Women) and The Longerberger Foundation (Supports various projects including disaster relief, international women’s rights, anti-hunger initiatives and environmental programs) You may visit them www.longaberger.com.
Gourmet is Great
Always a cure for the ‘fundraising blues, are gourmet treats that just can’t be beat. Working with fundraisers that tantalize the taste senses will lift your spirits, and possibly a few calories, while earning great profits for your cause.
For the past couple of decades, these delights have remained in the top position for school fundraising purchases in our nation. These palate pleasers include candy, cookie dough and baked goodies, pizza and popcorn.
One popular gourmet item is Auntie Anne’s Pretzels. You might have seen them, while walking in a store or mall, and noticed the mouth watering smell of the hot fresh aroma.
Auntie Anne’s now offers them as profitable fundraisers, available in dry and frozen kits. Included in their many delicious selections are the Dry Pretzel Kit (also one in Spanish), Dry Cinnamon Bun Kit, Frozen Pretzel Pockets, Frozen Breadsticks and Frozen Pizza Knots. For more information visit www.auntieannes.com
Cleanliness Is Happiness
Howard Newell of Lik-Nu Service & Distribution has developed a great way for non-profit organizations to benefit from dirty carpets across America!
Soap-free PROCYON® is the best carpet cleaning solution on the planet! It’s all natural and soap-free. It has been tested and used in some of America’s most prestigious locations including The White House, Air Force One and The Environmental Protection Agency. Now, it is available to you and your non-profit organization!
Go to www.healthier-cleaning-concepts.com and register to become a fundraiser affiliate. Select a username and password to gain access to your “back office” where you track your commissions. From there you can see how many purchases have been made from your organization and how much commission you’ve made.
They do all the rest! All you have to do is refer friends, family, parishioners, or members to the site. . . That’s it!
When someone you know makes a purchase, your organization is rewarded with a handsome commission, each and every time! It’s a win-win-win situation! For more information contact Lik-Nu at 1-866-624-3196 for more information. Visit www.healthier-cleaning-concepts.com
Impact with Creativity & Enrichment
As the face of fundraising continues to change, many academic and organizational fundraising programs have begun to evolve into something more than just selling. PTA/PTO’s are turning to fundraisers that can be fun, innovative and have a positive impact on the kids and their education. They are raising money with programs that educate and enrich, a child’s education.
Raising money while offering academic benefits and enrichment to the children along with some fun is an undeniable win-win experience for the kids and their school, organization or club. Parents and teachers who continue to explore ways to maximize children’s school experience love the ability to build brain power through a fundraiser.
Choosing fundraisers that can enhance children’s reading or writing skills or creative abilities creates a balanced approach that produces the needed funds but also helps the kids in the process. Creativity will allow for self-expression and build communication skills that are an essential building block to academic advancement for children. Reinforcement of reading and writing skills improves articulation, literacy and self- esteem.
ArtStamps, a program that allows students to design their very own official U.S. postage that can be sold to family and friends to raise funds for schools and organizations, was designed to incorporate an invigorating educational experience into fundraising. This fundraiser encourages the student’s creative abilities in the drawing and design of the stamps. It also promotes children to write letters and thank you notes because they want to use the stamps they designed.
The sense of pride and self-esteem that children experience when their parents and relatives use their postage creations on mail during the holidays or on special occasions is invaluable. To add to that sense of accomplishment, every child who participates in the ArtStamps program is eligible to win a National Artistic Achievement or Literacy Award. All winners receive their own artwork in a custom frame and it is displayed on the ArtStamps website for all to view.
Have a great time this year being positive and productive with your Fundraising Plans. If you have any questions about a particular fundraising program or other desired content please do not hesitate to contact us at everybody@fundandedutain.com