CHILD Slavery in Our Country by F&EG Staff and Faces of Slavery -6/2011-
While we aim to protect and nurture our precious children, THERE IS a growing epidemic of child trafficking, slavery, and sexual exploitation of innocent children in our own country. Like a tsunami, it has wiped out the lives and well being of too many children and families while few organizations help to clean up the devastation.
Just like your daughter, sister or niece…there is an Amber, Cathy, Sue or Jane that may be secretly wishing and crying for help to be rescued at this very moment. Like the girl in the photo, countless girls and boys are beaten down and sexually exploited on a daily basis. They experience rape, assault, neglect, starvation, torture, false imprisonment, exploitation, drugging, emotional, physical and mental abuse.
As reported by the Department of Justice, in the United States there are at least 20,000 child slaves under the age of 18. The average age of these children is 13 years old with 80% girls and 80% of those girls are forced to live as sexual slaves.
Many U.S. teens are sold into sex slavery in Europe and Mexico. The life expectancy of girls like these is seven to ten years from the time of their abduction and the start of their enslavement.
Every year, thousands of men, women and children are smuggled into the U.S. with promises of a better life, and instead, are turned into modern-day slaves. They’re beaten daily…locked up…and somehow forced to give up their will.
Thankfully…there are organizations, like Faces of Slavery, Inc. (FOS), that care enough about the exploitation of children and want to make difference for the countless children that have been abducted into a life of sexual enslavement.
FOS not only works to prevent child trafficking and assist in rescuing teens in bondage and sexual slavery but they help with the aftercare of these rescue victims. Rehabilitation for these abused children include counseling, education, income substantiality and support.
“We have in the last year rescued 11 children, average age 13 years old, and six girls are waiting for us to take them in,” exclaims Faces of Slavery, founder Phil Ludwig. “One of these girls graduated and is attending a Christian college, and one of the girls was released as she was a recruiter which posed a risk to the other girls,” said Ludwig.
“Another girl was released from our care because she was tortured by her slave holder and had severe issues that were above our level of care, added Ludwig. We still stay in contact with her as we love this 13 year old and she loves us too.”
Currently FOS helps girls from the U.S. They come from every walk of life and economic background. Race is not a limitation for the girls being taken. Sadly they are currently dealing with two children that are 13 years old now, but were only 5 years old when they were sold and exploited into this life.
The Faces of Slavery organization also conducts witness protection for the girls when they go to court. Ludwig explains, “We help them in how to conduct themselves in court and testifying.
“To date all suspected pimps (slaveholders) are being pursued and/or have been convicted and/or are in jail. The D.A. stated she is so excited to have us working with them as in the past, these victims would be impeached by the defense attorney and they would lose the cases against the pimps,” stated Ludwig.
“Now the girls are stable and back to being 13 year old girls and these court cases are making a difference,” said Ludwig. “Our most recent case just finished and they offered the slaveholder 10 years. He turned it down and then was found guilty based on 40 felonies he was charged with. He is now facing 40 years to life. We will know the results on April 6th.”
How Faces of Slavery Got Started
Born in Orange, California, Phil Ludwig was raised in a Christian home, then graduated high school and accepted a position at Hume Lake Christian Camps where he spent several summers as a child.
Phil became interested in police work as a result of his involvement in “Police Explorers” at the Anaheim Police Department. Phil was accepted by the San Diego Police Department and finished 3rd in his class. He had a successful career with SDPD, receiving many awards for his exceptional performance.
Ludwig’s involvement in helping teens began as a police officer when he was personally involved in breaking up a child trafficking operation which led to the rescue of several girls. Since that time he saw how the problem of sexual exploitation had grown exponentially. It was then he decided to devote his attention to the issue of caring for female victims of sexually exploited children.
In 1981, a drunk driver struck the car Phil was riding in, causing injuries sufficient to mandate his early retirement from the police force. While recovering from his injuries, a distraught mother of a runaway teen came seeking his help. Phil, with the help of local law enforcement, located the runaway teen in two days, encouraged her into counseling, and reunited her with her family. The word began to spread, and more and more families in turmoil called Phil, desperate for some sort of help.
After assisting several parents who had nowhere to turn, former Anaheim, CA police officer Phil Ludwig realized the critical need of assistance for parents of troubled teens. He spent a year and a half researching and identifying a families greatest needs and created supportive solutions for them.
In February 1989, Chief Executive Officer, Phil Ludwig founded Faces of Slavery, Inc. (Formerly Teen Rescue, Inc.), a non-profit advocate for the thousands of families with children in trouble and have no avenue of assistance they can trust.
In 1993 Faces of Slavery leased some property and opened its first boarding school for troubled teens. Since then, after many financial ups and downs and with the help of donations, they have been able to keep their doors open.
Youth and family programs across the country seek Phil’s counsel on program and parenting issues as it applies to teens in turmoil. Phil speaks regularly on family advocacy issues such as: Teens in Crisis, Family Dynamics, Parental Rights, Conflict Resolution and other topics related to healthy family relationships. Phil conducts regular training seminars on parenting teens as well as two semi-annual conferences.
Phil has appeared on: KBRT, KKLA, KPRAISE, TBN, with respected doctors and personalities such as: Dr. Henry Cloud, Dr. John Townsend, Dr. David Stoop, Dr. Paul Meir and others. Phil has appeared on the Josh McDowell Hour, The Joy Program and has been featured in Good News newspaper as well as World Vision Publications.
Faces of Slavery continues to grow and currently in contact with the Department of Home Land Security, FBI in several counties, D.A. and CPS in San Diego including law enforcement agencies. Recently a judge in Nevada requested that Faces of Slavery accept rescued girls from his jurisdiction. FOS can take up to 150 more girls with funding.
Contact Information
For more information and/or donations contact Faces of Slavery at: 1-855-690-4860
Other Resources
Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition
- Girls Educational and Mentoring Services - Love 146 - New Day For Children - Polaris Project - FAAST - International Justice Mission - Marist Missionary Sisters
(619) 943-9198 - Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force